University of Girona Grant Program
for Researchers in Training
Second call for Proposals 2024 (IFUdG2024_2a)

Information to fill in the form

IMPORTANT about the initial identification of the candidate, which may involve additional procedures:

  • If accessing through VALID, with a recognized electronic certificate, such as the idcat certificate, the certificate of the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, or an agreed key system, such as the idcat-mobile, when validating the application form this will be automatically signed and registered. The last system can also be obtained by foreign persons without residence in the Spanish state, via video call, but will require them to inform a Spanish cell phone to receive the codes.
  • If accessing with the other identification system, the applicant will have to sign the generated pdf document (once the application form has been validated) and submit it through the UdG electronic registry (a third person can do it on behalf of the applicant), or:
    • Through the Office for Assistance in Registration Matters (OAMR) of the UdG, located in the Edifici les Àligues. According to the internal regulations of the UdG, this case will only be applicable to foreign persons without the possibility of obtaining a valid electronic certificate from those detailed above, or persons of Spanish nationality without the possibility of access to electronic media.
    • At the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad, or to the places detailed in accordance with the established in article 16.4 of the Law 39/2015, of October 1, of common administrative procedure of public administrations.
In any case only applications validated electronically and from which a signed receipt submitted by registry is obtained, will be valid.

This form will be active from June 28th until July 8th, 2024 at 2 pm when neither modifications nor sending will be allowed.

Once the applicant identifies himself/herself for the first time, the initiated draft form will be saved and may be retrieved, modified and/or extended at any time within the above period.

It is important that, if modifications are made, the application is validated and submitted again, up to the last screen, and a proof of registration is obtained. Changes that are not validated, submitted and signed are not considered as changes.

If more than one application is submitted, only the last one will be taken into consideration.

Much of the information that will be necessary to complete the form will be selected from the data that will be offered by the document itself, and that has its origin in the various databases of the UdG. If an error is detected, or an error message is given in the automatic data that will appear, it should be notified to so that it can be clarified/corrected and continue with the form. In some cases it will be because the GREC will not have the information (SGR, project, agreement...) and it will be necessary that the applicant or the thesis director, previously, send it to the OITT. For this reason we recommend to confirm the data entered in the GREC and/or start the application as soon as possible.

This call for applications uses inclusive language and does not discriminate on the basis of gender. Following the recommendations of the UdG Guide for an egalitarian use of language, the generic masculine has been used - as unmarked gender - when it has been considered that the clarity and intelligibility of the text made it advisable.