Llibres de text bàsics recomanats:
- CARLSON, B.M. 2000. Embriología Humana y Biología del Desarrollo. Harcourt. - CZYBA, J.C. i MONTELLA, A. 1993. Biologie de la Réproduction Humaine. Ed. Sauramps. - ELDER, K. i DALE, B. 2000. In Vitro Fertilization. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press. - JOHNSON, M.H. i EVERITT, B.J. 1995. Essential Reproduction. Blackwell. - JONES, R.E. 1997. Human Reproductive Biology. Academic Press. - JOY,K.P.; KRISHNA, A. i HASDAR, C. 1999. Comparative Endocrinology and Reproduction. Springer-Verlag. - McLAREN, A. 2002. Cloning. Series Ethical Eye. Council of Europe Publishing. - REMOHÍ, J., SIMÓN, C., PELLICER, A. i BONILLA-MUSOLES. 1996. Reproducción humana. MacGraw-Hill / Interamericana. - THIBAULT, C.; LEVASSEUR, M.C. i HUNTER, R.H.F. 1993. Reproduction in mammals and man. Ellipses. - REISS, H.E.(editor). 1998. Reproductive Medicine. From A to Z. Oxford University Press.
Altres llibres de text de consulta recomanats:
- ANDOLZ, P. i BIELSA, M.A. 1995. Semen Humano: Manual y Atlas. Garsi, S.A. - AUSTIN, C.R. i SHORT, R.V. 1993. Reproduction in mammals. Cinc volums: Vol. 1: Germ cells and fertilization. Vol. 2: Embryonic and fetal development. Vol. 3: Hormonal control of reproduction. Vol. 4: Reproductive patterns. Vol. 5: Manipulating reproduction. Cambridge University Press. - BONET,S.; BRIZ, M.D.; PINART, E.; SANCHO, S.; GARCIA-GIL,N. i BADIA, E. 2000 Morfología Espermática en Porcino. Llibre editat per l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. - ENGLERT,Y. (ed.). 1998. Gamete Donation: Current Ethics in the European Union. Human Reproduction, Volume 13 (suppl. 2 May 1998). Oxford University Press. - EDWARDS, G.R. i BRODY, S.A. 1995. Principles and Practice of Assisted Human Reproduction. Saunders Company. - EGOZCUE, J. i SHENFIELD, F. (editors). 1999. Responses to Human Cloning. Col.lecció: Sèrie Jornades Científiques, 5. Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Secció de Ciències Biològiques). - GAGNON, C. (editor). 1999. The Male Gamete: from Basic Science to clinical Applications. Cache River Press. - GENESSER, F. 1990. Atlas Color de Histología . Editorial Medica Panamericana. - GONZÁLEZ-MERLO, J. i DEL SOL, J.R. 1998. Obstetrícia. 4a Edició. Masson, S.A. - GRUDZINSKAS, J.G. i YOVICH, J. 1995. Gametes: The Oocyte. Cambridge University Press. - GRUDZINSKAS, J.G. i YOVICH, J. 1995. Gametes: The Spermatozoon. Cambridge University Press. - GURAYA, S.S. 1998. Cellular and Molecular Biology of Gonadal Development and Maturation in Mammals. Fundamentals and Biomedical Implications. Springer-Verlag. - GURAYA, S.S. 1999. Comparative Testicular Biology in Animals: Structure, Functions, and Intercellular Communication. Science Publishers, Inc. - GURAYA, S.S. 2000. Comparative Cellular and Molecular Biology of Ovary in Mammals: Fundamental and Applied Aspects. Science Publishers, Inc. - HAMMERSEN, F. 1988. Histología: Atlas en Color de Anatomía Microscópica.Ed. Salvat, 3a. edición. - HAFEZ, E.S.E. 1996. Reproducción e Inseminación Artificial en Animales. Ed. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana. - HEDON, B., BRINGER, J. i MARES, P. (eds.). 1995. Fertility and Sterility. The Parthenon Publishing Group. - KNOBIL, E. i NEIL,J.D.(eds). 1994. The Physiology of Reproduction. Vols. I i II. Raven Press. - KNOBIL, E. i NEIL,J.D.(eds). 1998. Encyclopedia of Reproduction. Vols. I, II, III i IV. Academic Press. - POMEROL, J.M. i ARRONDO, J.A. 1994. Pràctica Andrològica. Ed. Masson-Salvat. - ROSENFIELD, A. i FATHALLA, M. (eds). 1990. The FIGO Manual of Human Reproduction. Vol. 1: Reproductive Physiology. Vol. 2: Family Planning. Vol. 3: Reproductive Health (Global Issues). The Parthenon Publishing Group. - SANTOLARIA, P. i YÁNIZ, J. 2001. Aspectos Básicos de la Reproducción: Mamíferos de Interés Zootécnico. Textos docentes. Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. - WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Sperm-Cervical Mucus Interaction. 1999. 4th edition. World Health Organisation. Cambridge University Press. - YOUNG, B. 2001. Picture Tests in Histology. Harcourt Int.Ltd.-Churchill Livingstone. - ZHANG, S.X. 1999. An Atlas of Histology. Springer-Verlag. - DICCIONARI D'ANATOMIA. 1994. Col.lecció Diccionaris Terminològics. TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia. - VAYENA, E. and ROWE, P. 2002. Current Practices and Controversies in Assisted Reproduction. Report of a WHO meeting (Department of Reproductive Health and Research). Versió en document pdf a l'adreça electrònica: www.who.int/reproductive-health/infertility/index.htm
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