Bibliografia bàsica a utilitzar durant el curs.
Boulding,J.R., (1995) "Practical handbook of soil, vadose zone and ground water contamination. Assesment, prevention and remediation"
Bewley, (1992) Recovery and rehabilitation of contaminated land.
Bradshaw, A.D., Chadwick, M.J. (1988) Restauració de terres:
Ecologia i recuperació de terres malmeses i degradades. Diputació
de Barcelona
Brady, N.C., Weil, R.R.,(1999) The nature ans Properties of Soils. Prentice Hall
Felipó, M.T., Garau, M.A., (1987). La contaminació del sòl. Quaderns d’Ecologia aplicada, n. 12, Diputació de Barcelona,Servei de Medi Ambient.
M.D. LaGrega, P.L. Buckingham, J.C. Evans
"Gestión de residuos tóxicos: tratamiento, eliminación y recuperación de suelos"
McGraw-Hill, Madrid, 1996
Lal, R., Stewart, B.A. (1990). Soil Degradation, Advances in Soil Science,
vol. 11, Springer-Verlag, New York,
Porta, J. et al., (1987). Introducció al coneixement del sòl: Sòls dels Països Catalans. Volumen Recursos geológics i sòl. Historia Natural PPCC. Enciclopèdia Catalana.
Porta, J., Lopez-Acevedo, M., Roquero, C. (1999). Edafologia para la
Agricultura y el Medio Ambiente. Ediciones Mundi-Premsa, Madrid.
Smith, M.A. (1985). Contamined land, reclamation and treatment. NATO
Challenges of modern Society, vol. 12, Plenum Press.
Troeh, F.R., Hobbs, J.A., Donahaue, R.L.(1999) Soil and Water Conservation: Productivity and Environmental Protection. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
J.H.C. Wong, C.H. Lim and G.L. Nolen.(1997) "Design of remediation systems". Lewis Publisher. New York
Altra bibliografia utilitzada.
Avogadro, A. and Ragaini, R.C. (1993). Technologies for environmental
clean up: soil and groundwater. Kluwer Acad.
Alexander, M. (1994). Biodegration and bioremediation. Academic Press.
Barth, H., l’Hermite, P. (1989). Scientific basis for soil protection
in European Community. Elsevier, Bruselas.
W.C. Blackman. "Basic hazardous waste management". Lewis Publishers, 1996
R.J. Charbeneau, P.B. Bedient and R.C. Loehr. "Growndwater remediation". Technomic, 1992
Morgan, R.P.C. (1981). Soil Conservation, Problems and Prospects, C.I.T.
Press, Bedford, 575 pp.
Sequi, P. (1989). Chimica del Suolo. Patron Editore, Bologna.
Russel, J. (1994). Description and sampling of polluted soils. A field
guide. Lewis Publishers.
Wise, D.L. and Trantolo, D.J. (1994). Remediation of hazardous waste
contaminated soils. Delker.
White, R.E. (1997). Introduction to the principle and practice of soil
science (3a. edició). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.