Informació de l'activitat: Webinar. University teaching in English-Medium instruction

Webinar. University teaching in English-Medium instruction

Recursos Docents

Webinar. University teaching in English-Medium instruction

Activitat adreçada al PDI de la UdG. Inclosa en el Pla Marc de Formació del Personal Docent i Investigador.

Presentació: As a university teacher it becomes a great challenge to teach through English and learning methods are also changing. Is it feasible to deliver classic presentations in a foreign language? What are the new demands we are facing? What strategies can we use to help us in this new environment? In this highly interactive webinar/seminar benefits and pitfalls are discussed, and evidence-based answers will be provided to help teachers in EMI contexts.

Organitza: Institut de Ciències de l'Educació Josep Pallach
