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Curs acadèmic:
Aquest curs pretén introduir a l'alumne en la disciplina de la robòtica. S'estudien els principis bàsics relacionats amb els braços robotitzats, incloent l'estructura del robot, la cinemàtica, les trajectòries, el control, i la programació de robots.
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Majoritàriament (75%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Majoritàriament (75%)


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre

Altres Competències

  • Broad knowledge of the main areas of the field, including terminology, conventions, underpinning theory, techniques and practices
  • Critical understanding of the applications of the techniques and systems, as well as of their scope and performance
  • Critical knowledge, understanding and skills in the mainstream and specialist areas covered by the syllabus.
  • Detailed and critical knowledge of one area of specialism, incorporating awareness of current issues and research; Cognitive and core skills: Develop and apply skills in critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis, and in the design of projects and experimental models; Deploy advanced problem-solving skills and techniques towards original and creative solutions to general and specialist issues. Develop and demonstrate skills and techniques: in oral and written communication with peers and academic/industrial staff, using a range of appropriate methods to suit different levels of knowledge and expertise within the audience; in the planning and usage of industry standard tools, programming languages and numerical techniques; in the ability to identify, formulate and resolve problems.
  • Professional Awareness: Demonstrate critical awareness of the current issues within the discipline, and make informed judgements with incomplete or inconsistent data, or where there are no professional/ethical codes or practices for guidance. Work autonomously and within teams, as appropriate, demonstrating a capability for both taking and critically reflecting on roles and responsibilities.
  • To know the basic concepts about robotics
  • To acquire the knowledge about the performance of the main blocks of a industrial robot controller
  • To understand the different methods to represent the position and orientation.
  • To know how to characterize directly and inversely a kinematic chain
  • To acquire knowledge about the different programming methodologies for industrial robots, and the most standard programming languages


1. Introduction

2. Operations with Reference Systems

3. Forward Kinematics

4. Inverse Kinematics

5. Speed (differential motion)

6. Path Generation and Control

7. Industrial Robot Programming


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Altres 1,00 0 1,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 1,00 3,00 4,00
Exposició dels estudiants 5,00 9,00 14,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 0 5,00 5,00
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 10,00 12,00
Resolució d'exercicis 4,00 20,00 24,00
Seminaris 3,00 1,00 4,00
Sessió expositiva 11,00 12,00 23,00
Sessió pràctica 14,00 17,00 31,00
Simulacions 0 6,00 6,00
Tutories de grup 4,00 0 4,00
Total 45,00 83,00 128


  • Schilling, Robert J. (1990). Fundamentals of robotics : analysis and control. Prentice Hall.
  • Craig, John J. (1989). Introduction to robotics: mechanics and control (2n Edition). Addison-Wesley.
  • Ollero Baturone, Aníbal (2001). Robótica : manipuladores y robots móviles. Marcombo Boixareu.
  • Barrientos, Antonio (1997). Fundamentos de Robótica. McGraw-Hill.
  • Saltaren, Azorín, Almonacid, Sabater (2000). Prácticas de Robótica (utilizando Matlab). Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Proposal of a Team Work. Specifications and Characteristics of different Robotic Arms This activity contributes to Group Presentations (10 % of Course Mark)
Problems solving (Chapter 2). Use of Matlab Robotics Tools. Delivering the work to the teachers (Contribution to Problems to solve: 30% of the course mark)
Practical Work in the Lab: Tutorial about the simulation tool COSIMIR (COS) 1st practical session (week 2). This contributes to Lab Practices (30% of the course mark)
Proposal of Team Work (2). To model the forward kinematics (using MATLAB Robotics Toolbox) of the different robots assigned to the different Work Teams This activity contributes to Group Presentations (10 % of Course Mark)
Presentations of the characteristics and the Matlab models of the different robotic arms This contributes to Group Presentations (10% of the Course Mark)
Problems Solving (Chapter 3). The teachers assign 4 o 5 problems from a list to each Work Team (2 persons). The students must solve and present the problems to the teachers. Delivering the work to the teachers (Contribution to Problems to solve: 30% of the course mark)
Practical Work in the Lab: Simulation of a Palletization operation(RV-M2) Practical session. This contributes to Lab Practices (30% of the course mark)
Practical Work in the Lab: Tutorial about FANUC S-100 Robotic System and KAREL Programation Language. (FANUC) Practical session. This contributes to Lab Practices (30% of the course mark)
Practical Work in the Lab: Palletization Application using the Real Robot RV-M1 (RV-M1) Practical session. This contributes to Lab Practices (30% of the course mark)
Tutorial about Programing Industrial Robots using Rapid (ABB) Activities proposed by the Invited Professor. Contributes to Personal Work - Activities (10% of Course Mark)
Problem Solving (chapter 4). Preparation of problems to be presented to the classrom. Delivering the work to the teachers (Contribution to Problems to solve: 30% of the course mark)

We will start with the problems at the classroom, but the students must finish the proposed problems and prepare the presentation in front of the classroom.
Cross-correction and presentation of the problems (chapter 4) to the classroom This contributes to Group Presentations (10% of the Course Mark)
Proposal of Team Work (3). Using MATLAB Robotic Toolbox for representing the inverse kinematics of the different Robotic Arms assigned. The students must solve the different robotic arms and present the solutions to the teachers. Delivering the work to the teachers (Contribution to Problems to solve: 30% of the course mark)
Practical Work in the Lab: Simulation of a Painting Station (Paint) Practical session. This contributes to Lab Practices (30% of the course mark)
Problem Solving (chapter 5): The teachers assign some problems to students from a list to eah Work Team (2 persons). The students must solve and present the problems to the teachers. Some of the problems will be solved using Matlab Robotic Toolbox Delivering the work to the teachers (Contribution to Problems to solve: 30% of the course mark)
Examination about theory concepts. Evaluation activity based on solving a questionnaire. The use of auxiliary books, notes and tools is not allowed. Test is 30% of the Course Mark


The final mark will be calculated according to the marks obtained in each evaluated activity and according to these percentages:

30% - Lab Practices
30% - Problems to Solve
10% - Personal Work - Activities
30% - Test

Assignatures recomanades

  • Àlgebra i geometria
  • Fonaments d'informàtica
  • Sistemes digitals
  • Sistemes electrònics i automàtics

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