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Curs acadèmic:
Introducció a la Dinàmica de Fluids Computacional (CFD) per a l'anàlisi de fluxos d'interès a l'Enginyeria.
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Majoritàriament (75%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Jose Ramon Gonzalez Castro  / Antoni Pujol Sagaró  / Josep Ricart Ferrer

Altres Competències

  • Understanding the fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Understanding the relevance of fluid simulations in Engineering problems (aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, thermal convection, etc.) and their reliability.
  • Be familiar with the phsical processess that arise in any fluid dynamics problem. Use CAD tools for defining the geometry of the system. Use software tools for mesh generation. Use of CFD software
  • Learn the technical terminology inherent to CFD problems.
  • Develop skills for working together in complex problems.


1. Introduction to fluid mechanics.

          1.1. Fluid properties.

          1.2. Mass, momentum and energy conservation equations.

          1.3. Flow regimes:laminar/turbulent; steady/unsteady; compressible/incompressible.

2. Turbulence modelling.

          2.1. Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)

          2.2. Large Eddy Simulation (LES)

          2.3. Detached Eddy Simulation (DES)

          2.4. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)

3. Fundamentals of numerical methods.

          3.1. Finite Difference Method (FDM)

          3.2. Finite Volume Method (FVM)

          3.3. Finite Element Method (FEM)

          3.4. Implicit and explicit methods; stability; convergence.

4. Grid generation.

          4.1. Geometry modelling.

          4.2. Surface grids.

          4.3. Mesh generation.

          4.4. Grid quality.

          4.5. Examples with meshing packages.

5. Source code.

          5.1. Validation and verification.

          5.2. Fundamentals of high performance computing.

6. Postprocessing with both commercial and opensource packages.

7. Practical engineering examples.

          7.1. Best practice guidelines.

          7.2. Unsteady/steady problems.

          7.3. External aerodynamics.

          7.4. Multiphase flows.

          7.5. Free convection.

          7.6. Heat transfer.

          7.7. Combustion.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 3,00 0 3,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 6,00 40,00 46,00
Exposició dels estudiants 0,40 0 0,40
Prova d'avaluació 0,60 0 0,60
Sessió expositiva 24,00 24,00 48,00
Sessió pràctica 26,00 26,00 52,00
Total 60,00 90,00 150


  • John D. Anderson (1995). Computational Fluid Dynamics. Mc Graw - Hill.
  • K. Eriksson, D. Estep, P. Hansbo y C. Johnson (1996). Computational Differential Equations. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cebeci, Tuncer. Computational fluid dynamics for engineers : from panel tonavier-stokes methods with computer programs. Long Beach, CA: HorizonsNew York.
  • Wesseling, Pieter (cop. 2001). Principles of computational fluid dynamics. Berlin Barcelona [etc.]: Springer.
  • Ferziger, Joel H., Peric, Milovan (cop. 2002). Computational methods for fluid dynamics (3rd, rev. ed.). Berlin [etc.]: Springer.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Test examination #1 There will be three individual written examinations along the course, which are given a total of 15% percentage mark. Each one of these exams consists of a short test of 5 questions (each one of the three tests is worth a 5% of the percentage mark).
Test examination #2 This is the second short test. 5
Test examination #3 This is the third (and last) short test. 5
Practical assignment Groups of two people shall be made. There will be one assignment per group, which is worth of 85% of the percentage mark. It consists of an essay as well as an oral presentation of a practical example that has to be solved with a commercial CFD package.

From the 85% percentage mark assign to the practical essay, 15% shall correspond to the evaluation of the geometry generated for the practical study, 15% shall correspond to the evaluation of the generated mesh, 35% shall correspond to the written essay and 20% shall correspond to the oral presentation.
Along the course there will be deadlines for evaluating the geometry and the mesh. The written essay and the oral presentation shall be presented at the end of the course.
Oral presentation of the practical assignment Oral presentation of the practical assignment. At the very same day, the written essay that should include all the findings of the practical assignment must be given to the teaching staff. 20


In order to pass the course, you must:

1. Have a 75% minimum attendance for both classroom and laboratory sessions.

2. Obtain a final grade equal or greater than 5, computed from:

Final Grade = 0,15 TG + 0,85 PG


TG = averaged grade of the three examination tests carried out along the course.
PG = grade of the practical assignment.

The practical assignment consists of solving an Engineering problem with CFD and it is evaluated from:

PG = 0,20 geometry grade + 0,30 mesh grade + 0,20 oral presentation grade + 0,30 written essay grade.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The mark NP (not present at the exam) will be assigned in case that the student:
1. Fails to attend a minimum of 75% for both classroom and laboratory sessions.


2. Does not give in the practical assignment at the expected date or before.

La nota NP (no presentat) s'aplicarà quan l'estudiant:

1. No atengui a un mínim del 75% de les sessions de laboratori i d'aula.


2. No entregui el treball pràctic en la data convinguda o abans.


It is necessary to have some notions at a medium level on mathematics, physics and, particularly, fluid dynamics.
We strongly recommend to come with a USB flash drive in order to store all the information that you develop in the laboratory.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Física bàsica

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