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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Completament (100%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre

Altres Competències

  • COMPETENCIES -To analyze complex situations and to design corresponding solving strategies -To communicate verbally -To design creative proposals -To plan and organize projects and proposals -To propose new initiatives in project’s planning and development -To use English as students’ internationalization tool and of their future professional activity. OTHER COMPETENCIES -Ability to apply urban rules and normative -Applied knowledge of regional’s and metropolitan planning methodological fundaments -Appropriate level of knowledge for urbanism and architecture’s cartography, about land intervention techniques and land measurement methods -Practical knowledge about occidental’s urbanism tradition as well as their technical, economical, social and ideological fundamentals.


1. CONTENT The first steps of what will be subject’s project will be done in parallel with the study of what has been European Regional Planning during the last centennial, of high importance for today’s spatial planning understanding. The trip through spatial planning will end up with relevant snapshots of the latest trends and formula in urbanism –often controversial- of the international sphere, New Urbanism, Fractal Cities, Urban Ruralism, etc. In Catalonia, although the short and poor tradition in spatial planning, a number of plans exist that, together with their rules, define the legal framework where territorial projects have to be conceived. Faculty will deploy all course lessons in English. Students will be individually requested to prepare a locational, programmatic, and functional project of a territorial artifact such as transport infrastructure, technical services or facilities and services installation. Students will explain and defend their proposals in English. Beside the project, students will present a bibliographical research work also in English. Most of subject’s related authors and course’s convenient theoretical framework is in English. The use of the English language guarantees preservation of sources’ original language as Faculty well as message’s integrity. Beside this, the use of English will allow students to learn urban and spatial planning’s specific vocabulary and to put it in practice in course’s work environment.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Total 0 0 0


  • HALL, P. (2002). Urban and regional planning. . London: : Routledge. Catàleg
  • DAVID, A. (2006). Regional planning.. Cheltenham: : Edward Elgar.
  • NIJKAMP, P. (1996). Regional policy and regional integration.. Cheltenham: : Edward Elgar, cop..
  • FRIEDMAN, J., WEAVER, C. (1979). Territory and Function. London: Edward Arnold.
  • ROGERS, R. (1997). Cities for a Small Planet. London: Faber and Faber.
  • SCHEID HILDENBRAND, A. (1996). Política de ordenación del territorio en Europa. . Sevilla:: Universidad de Sevilla: Junta de Andalucia. Consejería de Obras Públicas y Trans. Catàleg
  • BORJA, J. (2004). Local y global : la gestión de las ciudades en la era de la información.. Madrid:: Taurus, . Catàleg
  • BENABENT FERNÁNDEZ DE CÓRDOBA, M. (2006). La ordenación del territorio en España: evolución del concepto y de su práctica. Sevilla:: Universidad de Sevilla: Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes. Catàleg
  • ZOIDO NARANJO, F. (2000). Diccionario de geografia urbana, urbanismo y ordenación del territorio. . Barcelona:: Ariel. Catàleg
  • FONT, A. et altri. (2004). L'explosió de la ciutat: morfologies, mirades i mocions sobre les transform.... Barcelona:: COAC, Forum Barcelona 2004.
  • CURBELO, J.L. (1994). Territorios en transformación: análisis y propuestas. . Madrid: : Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) : Consejo Superior de Inves.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %


-Practical Exercises: 20% out of the total (tasks corresponding to ‘artifact’s selection of location)
-Presentations: 10% out of the total
-Course’s Project: 70% out of the total (in correspondence with ‘artifact resolution’)
Note: All pieces of assessment (practical work, presentation and project) consider in-class participation at a proportion of 10% of their individual weight.

Assessment is continuous
-Theoretical Sessions: it is required an 80% of attendance to be assessed
-Practical Sessions: it is required to participate and deliver a minimum of 80% practical tasks to be assessed. Out-of-time deliveries will be negatively considered.
-Presentations: Concise, clear and organized presentations are highly encouraged. To use rich, appropriate and specific English words of the Urban and Spatial planning will be positively considered. For that purpose it will be needed to dully work on in-class proposed original sources to build student’s o wn summary afterwards.
-In-class participation: It is very important that students have an active attitude, specially during practical sessions and after presentations.
-Course’s project: Although it will be explained alongside course’s development, and for each specific working phase, in general, adaptative skills to project’s constraints will be highly important due to project’s complexity and high component of reality.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students that in first assessment’s call obtain an ‘non-delivered’ or ‘failed’ mark in any of course’s tasks, when showing up in second assessment’s call, such reworked tasks will get a maximal mark of ‘passed’ (=5).


Territorial Project is itself course’s main task and goal. Theoretical lessons will be in heterogenic dissolution amongst course’s practical sessions, pending on each session’s specific topic and purpose.
Theoretical Sessions’ weight is 25% within overall course’s teaching hours.

Activities distribution (100% teaching hours):
Theoretical Sessions: 25%
Practical and Corrective Sessions: 65%
Students’ presentations: 10%

Bibliography here detailed corresponds to the basic one. Specific bibliography (an important number of scientific papers indexed in peer-reviewed international journals) will be provided during the course thus special permissions are needed for access to such sources.

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