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Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Josep Maria Bech Serrat


1. Introduction. Package Travel

          1.1. Concept (Art. 2 PTD)

          1.2. Booking conditions

                    1.2.1. Clause 1. Your agreement. Applicable law

                    1.2.2. Clause 2. Payment. Registration fee. Price revision

                    1.2.3. Clause 3. Changing your order

                    1.2.4. Clause 4. Transfer of booking

                    1.2.5. Clause 5. Cancellation by the consumer

                    1.2.6. Clause 6. Significant changes and cancellation by the organiser

                    1.2.7. Clause 7. Liability

                    1.2.8. Clause 8. Assistance

                    1.2.9. Clause 9. Insolvency

                    1.2.10. Clause 10. Complaints

                    1.2.11. Clause 11. Arbitration

                    1.2.12. Clause 12. Jurisdiction

2. Managing information requirements in tourism

          2.1. Introduction

          2.2. Pre-contractual information

                    2.2.1. Which pre-contractual information must be provided?

                    2.2.2. In what form the pre-contractual information must be provided?

                    2.2.3. When the pre-contractual information must be provided?

          2.3. Contractual information. Confirmation of pre-contractual information when selling at a distance

          2.4. Remedies for non-fulfilment of information duties

3. Avoiding unfair contract terms and unfair commercial practices in the management of tourist products

          3.1. Incorporation of standard terms

                    3.1.1. General requirements

                    3.1.2. Standard terms in foreign language

          3.2. Control of standard terms

                    3.2.1. Standard terms versus individually negotiated terms

                    3.2.2. The unfairness test

                    3.2.3. Blacklists, greylists, indicative lists

                    3.2.4. Core terms. In particular, control of price-related terms

                    3.2.5. Legal consequences of unfairness. Ex officio control and partly unfair terms

          3.3. Commercial practices and advertising. Regulation and self-regulation

                    3.3.1. Notion of fairness

                    3.3.2. Misleading practices: definition and untruthfulness/ deceptiveness condition

                    3.3.3. Misleading omission

                    3.3.4. Language in commercial practices

                    3.3.5. Aggressive practices and sales promotion: agression, harassment, coertion and undue influence

4. Managing transport issues

          4.1. Denied boarding, cancellation and long delays: Passenger's rights according to EU Law (or "Obligations of carriers in the event of interrupted travel")

          4.2. Rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility in EU Law

          4.3. Liability of carrier with regard to passengers and their luggage

          4.4. Charter.

          4.5. International private law issues: rules concerning the law applicable to transport and jurisdiction

5. Rules applying to service contracts. Particular remarks on accommodation

          5.1. International private law issues: rules concerning the law applicable to service contracts and jurisdiction

          5.2. Rules applying to service contracts

                    5.2.1. Obligations of the service provider: obligation of skill and care (Art. IV. C. – 2:105 DCFR), obligation to achieve result (Art. IV. C. – 2:106 DCFR), obligations to warn (Art. IV. C. – 2:108 DCFR)

                    5.2.2. Unilateral variation of the service contract (Art. IV. C. – 2:109 DCFR)

                    5.2.3. Obligations of the client: obligation to co-operate (Art. IV. C. – 2:103 DCFR), obligation to notify anticipated non-conformity (Art. IV. C. – 2:110 DCFR)

                    5.2.4. Client’s right to terminate (IV. C. – 2:111 DCFR)

          5.3. Accommodation.

                    5.3.1. Hotel and Guest: making bookings/ hotel contracts, rights and legal duties, quality of hotel service and consumer protection: A European contract law approach (Arts. II.-3:101 and II.-9:108 DCFR), breach of contract and remedies, price, liability (Convention on the Liability of Hotel-Keepers concerning the Property of their Guests of 17 December 1962, Paris Convention)

                    5.3.2. Group bookings: concept, legal duties, liability for unfilled rooms


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 25,00 25,00 50,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 3,00 5,00 8,00
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 15,00 17,00
Total 30,00 45,00 75


  • Barth, S./ Hayes, D.K. (2008). Hospitalty law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry (3rd. Ed. ). John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Bech Serrat, J.M. (2010). Why is there a Separation between Distance Selling in EU Law and the Tourism In. Journal of Consumer Policy, 1(33), 75-89. Recuperat , a Catàleg
  • Bech Serrat, J.M. (2011). Quality of hotel service and consumer protection: A European contract law approa. Tourism Management,, . Recuperat , a Catàleg
  • Cournoyer, N./ Marshall, A.G./ Morris, K.L. (2007). Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law (A Preventive Approach) (7th. Ed.). New York: Delmar. Catàleg
  • Grant, D./Mason, S. (2007). Holiday Law (4th Rev. Ed.). London: Sweet & Maxwell. Catàleg
  • Micklitz, Hans- W. (2010 ). Cases, materials and text on consumer law . Portland: Hart Publishing. Catàleg
  • Saggerson, A. (2004). Travel: Law and Litigation (3rd.Ed.). Hertfordshire: xpl law. Catàleg
  • Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. Cornell University. Catàleg
  • International Travel Law Journal (19942008). Northumbria University Press. Catàleg
  • Travel Law Quarterly (TLQ) (2009). Florida: Nova Southeastern University. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Lectures participation or involvement in lectures 20
Assignment 1 more details will be given 20
Assignment 2 details will be given 20
Assignment 3 more details will be given 20
Final exam Some questions to be answered and a multiple choice test. 40
Reading articles/other materials up to extra 10% of your avaluation


In order to assess your knowledge three assignments will be handed in at the end of some lectures (each one represents 20% of your assessment, 60 % in total).

A final exam shall be done at the end of this subject (40% of your evaluation) and, in addition, your participation and good attendance in seminars also will be considered (up to an extra10% of your assessment).

It is not required to deliver all the assignments, neither doing the final exam. You can pass the subject mathematically without having to work on all the activities.

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