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Curs acadèmic:
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Completament (100%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Joaquim de Ciurana Gay  / Ines Ferrer Real


  • To apply tools and creative techniques to plan, to develop and to evaluate projects in innovation and technology management
  • To manage projects about technology in organizations
  • To manage, as a leader, a teamwork (also in multidisciplinary and international contexts) and to value the processes and the roles. To promote changes from the reflection
  • To make proposals of new initiatives about planning, development and evaluation projects in innovation or technological management
  • To design creative proposals in order to improve or to solve situations with uncertainty assuming calculated risks
  • To select and to use the information and communication technologies suitable to the research aims

Altres Competències

  • To acquire knowledge of methodologies and technologies concerning to product design
  • To work with creativity methodologies


1. Introduction to concurrent engineering

2. Concepts related to concurrent engineering

3. Concurrent engineering techniques

4. Concurrent Engineering tools

5. Information design models

6. Creativity

7. Innovation applied to product and process design


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 2,00 14,00 16,00
Exposició dels estudiants 2,00 12,00 14,00
Resolució d'exercicis 4,00 22,00 26,00
Sessió expositiva 6,00 0 6,00
Sessió participativa 18,00 0 18,00
Total 32,00 48,00 80


  • Bralla (1999). Design for manufacturability handbook. McGraw-Hill.
  • Dieter (2000). Engineering design : a materials and processing approach. McGraw-Hill.
  • Pahl and Beitz (1996). Engineering design : a systematic approach. Springer.
  • Pugh (1990). Total design : integrated methods for successful product engineering. Addison-Wesley.
  • Riba (2002). Disseny de maquines. Metodología (Engenyeria Concurent). Eidicions UPC.
  • Gascoigne (1995). PDM: The essential technology for concurrent engineering. World Class Design to Manufacture.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Exercise 1: Quiz Critical analysis of the given technique, based on lectures and exposition
Exercise 2: DFMA Exercise resolution with DFMA application
Presentation Information research, work preparation and Ability to conduct a public presentation based on the work
Lectures Part 7 Sessions assistance
Case Study Exercise resolution and critical discussion based on case study analized


Final Mark = 0,15 x WI + 0,15 x CSA + 0,30 x CP + 0,40 x EX
WI: work in innovation
CSA: Case study Assistance
CP: Creativity Presentation
EX: Exercises (Quiz and DFMA model application)

Assignatures recomanades

  • Innovació en el sistema de producció

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