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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Completament (100%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
MARIA ALEJANDRA BARRIO MATO  / Guillem Quintana Badosa


  • To collect and to select relevant information which permit to develop an original research
  • To analyze, to evaluate and to synthesize critically and creatively new and complex ideas in scientific texts
  • To communicate in original and creative ways to expert and inexpert publics
  • To evaluate the own activity and the own learning integrating new knowledge. To make improvement strategies
  • To evaluate and to apply strategies about innovation and technological management based on the deontological principles
  • To communicate in English language in different contexts and formats, about the own speciality
  • To select and to use the information and communication technologies suitable to the research aims
  • To promote reflections to improve the ecological, the economical and the human sustainability

Altres Competències

  • To do systematically and efficiently surveillance on the external environment to be used as a feed back on having decisions
  • To make informed decisions to develop successful strategies to innovate


1. Technology

2. Origins of Technology Assessment and development

3. Technology Assessment process and methodology

4. Competitive technical intelligence for strategic innovation

5. Industrial and Technological Policy (ITP)


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 6,00 16,00 22,00
Resolució d'exercicis 3,00 36,00 39,00
Sessió participativa 14,00 0 14,00
Total 23,00 52,00 75


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
    Lectures Part 1 Assistance
    Lectures Part 2 Assistance
    Lectures Part 3 Assistance
    Exercise 1 Exercise resolution with information from classes and papers
    Exercise 2 Exercise resolution with information from classes and papers
    Exercise 3 Exercise resolution with information from classes and papers


    The final mark will be assigned as follows:

    Final Mark = 0,30 x WI + 0,35 x PRE + 0,35 EX
    WI: Work innovation assistance
    PRE: CTI’s Presentation
    EX: Personal and Group exercises (ITP sessions)


    The course “Economics of Organization” and “Technological strategy and competitiveness” are recommended to be done

    Assignatures recomanades

    • Economia de l'organització
    • Estratègia tecnològica i competitivitat

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