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Curs acadèmic:
Tourism is a growing and highly competitive industry in virtually every country in the world, which in turn has created a demand for a workforce who possess the knowledge and skills to succeed in this fast-moving and global market. For this reason, an excellent command English is a must nowadays. Students need to be able to use integrate into this international community with ease and efficiency in all the different professional areas related to the world of management and international tourism.
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Completament (100%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A


Altres Competències

  • The principal objective of this course is to prepare students for the tourism workplace at the end of their degree. The main aim of Anglès - 1r idioma is to develop the students’ knowledge of general English while working on specific topics and the communication skills needed by the different areas of the tourism industry.
  • Students should be able to do the following by the end of Anglès - 1r idioma:
  • Use efficient reading strategies
  • Use specialised vocabulary efficiently in Tourism
  • Use listening skills related to their professional world
  • Apply efficient writing skills
  • Communicate efficiently
  • Be able to use English at a professional level
  • Increase and consolidate their grammar accuracy
  • These skills will be part of the learner training part of the course. The process of learning is considered to be as important as the end result.
  • Anglès - 1r idioma will present all the students with a learning environment in which they can develop positive attitudes to their learning such as critical thinking, reasoning and collaborative group work, which are primordial working tools nowadays.


1. Language and skills work is introduced through a range of reading and listening tasks taken from authentic sources. These lead to the practise of English as a professional tool where excellence is required.

2. The course is structured around a course book with the back-up of extra materials so that the following procedures may be followed:

          2.1. The use of English Tourism materials is meant to be a support towards the acquisition of fluency and accuracy both in oral and written output and the development of the more receptive skills like reading and listening comprehension.

          2.2. ‘Portfolio’ approach to writing, in which frequent use of writing activities is aimed at acquiring competence in written communication for professional needs (such as summaries, articles, descriptions, outlines, formal letters…)

          2.3. Group and individual oral presentations to develop skills in speaking and expressing opinions aimed at fulfilling the need for professional oral presentations.

          2.4. Collaborative work inside and outside the classroom in conjunction with other subjects to enhance the need for a professional usage of English for Tourism.

          2.5. Use of materials for reading comprehension activities aimed at consolidating skills in classifying / outlining / labelling / comparing / matching / contrasting / defining / scanning / skimming for information.

          2.6. Use critical thinking by exposing students to thought-provoking issues through the selection and treatment of different kinds of texts.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Total 0 0 0


  • Keith Harding (1998). Going International (English for tourism). Oxford University Press.
  • Michael Duckworth (1998). Going International (English for tourism) Workbook. Oxford University Press.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %


Assessment will be carried out on the basis of:

- Participation in class 10%

The importance of attending all classes cannot be stressed strongly enough. By not attending classes you will find it difficult to keep up with what is happening in class. This is not the type of course you can follow through photocopies as it requires active participation. Coursework is continually assessed, as is your level of active participation in the classroom.

- Use of English 15%
- Reading & Vocabulary 15%
- Listening 20%
- Written assignments 20% (3 compulsory writings)
- Oral Presentations 20% (3 compulsory orals in class)
- Final examination: The final examination will cover all the areas studied throughout the two semesters.60% will be the pass mark for this exam as the objective is to help students improve and realise their progress within their language learning abilities
- February Exam 40%
- Final Exam in June 60%

The general allocation of the different percentages shows that participation in class and collaborative learning are a vital component of the English course.


The four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) plus specific tasks related to specific vocabulary and standard grammar will be dealt with throughout the academic year.

The core syllabus will be adapted to the students’ needs and will be based on professional texts.

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